Wine Rating

Wine Rating Challenge task from Adobe XD: “Design a rating experience for wine tasting tours. Allow users to swipe between…

Smart Watch Interface

Smart Watch Interface Challenge task from Adobe XD: “Design a simple Apple Watch interface, using UI kits to build realistic…

Video Banner

Video Banner Challenge task from Adobe XD: “Design and prototype a rotating homepage banner with embedded video.” January 4, 2022

Fitness Watch

Fitness Watch Challenge task from Adobe XD: “Design a few critical screens for a futuristic health app on a smartwatch…

Date Landing Page

Date Landing Page Challenge task from Adobe XD: “Using repeat grid and video playback, design a high-converting landing page.” November…

Dynamic Transitions

Dyanmic Transitions Challenge task from Adobe XD: “Learn how to animate a unique page transition using Auto-Animate.” October 20, 2021

Homepage Animation

Homepage Animation Challenge task from Adobe XD: “Level-up your designs with animations that loop.” October 19, 2021

Course Dashboard

Course Dashboard Challenge task from Adobe XD: “Design an online education dashboard.” October 18, 2021

Real Estate Marketplace

Real Estate Marketplace Challenge task from Adobe XD: “Design a for-sale real estate listing. Use Stacks to organize and rearrange…

Escape Room AR

Escape Room AR Challenge task from Adobe XD: “Design an AR experience that assists travelers using 3D transform.” September 28,…