Digital Wallet

Digital Wallet Challenge task from Adobe XD: “Design the swiping interaction for a digital wallet holding several payment methods. Allow…


Filters Challenge task from Adobe XD: “Design and prototype a set of expandable options for an E-commerce experience. Try incorporating…

Furniture E-commerce

Furniture E-commerce Challenge task from Adobe XD: “Design a scrollable browse page for a mobile shopping app. When items are…

Wallet App

Wallet App Challenge task from Adobe XD: “Design a digital wallet experience for a personal finance mobile app and include…

Voice Trivia

Voice Trivia Challenge task from Adobe XD: “Design a mobile trivia game! Use Voice Commands to display questions and Speech…

Audible Sightseeing

Audible Sightseeing Challenge task from Adobe XD: “Design and prototype the sightseeing experience for a road trip app. Let your…

Burger Builder

Burger Builder Challenge task from Adobe XD: “Design the burger builder experience for a food ordering app. User Component States…

Weather Notifications

Weather Notifications Challenge task from Adobe XD: “Design the notifications experience within a weather app. Display when a storm is…

Bill-Splitting App

Bill-Splitting App Challenge task from Adobe XD: “Create the interface for a bill-splitting app. Prototype the splitting experience with drag…

Watch Details

Watch Details Challenge task from Adobe XD: “Design the progress meter for an E-commerce checkout flow. Allow your users to…